
We welcome new families to St Laurence O'Toole, and encourage a school tour if you would like to find out more about our wonderful school. Applications for enrolment should be made to the Principal. Dates for enrolment of children who are eligible to begin school for the first time in the following year are announced in the Parish Bulletin, School Newsletter and also advertised in the Gippsland Times. Parents are requested to bring their child’s Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) and Immunisation Certificate when enrolling.

St. Laurence’ delivers a comprehensive curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum. Our students receive a solid grounding in English, Science, Mathematics, Humanities. French and The Arts. Students at St Laurence’ also access our school Library.  

Our Religious Education program is tailored to meet the faith level of each child. Prayer, Scripture, morals and Church tradition are taught during daily religious instruction.

When your child attends St. Laurence’ there will be assessments completed at the beginning of each year.

These assessments help teachers to tailor the curriculum to each childs ability level.

You are welcome to discuss the test and your child's results with any of our Prep teachers.

The assessments can assist with:

  • Assessing your childs progress in literacy, numeracy and phonological awareness
  • Providing data to show the areas in which your child is achieving or underachieving
  • Predicting future performance for students who might benefit from early intervention.